Visual Analytics Consultants

Helping organizations achieve success with the Tableau platform

Who We Are

We love helping people make decisions through data. We know storytelling drives action. We help people paint a story using their data. We do this through training, mentoring, architecture and design, dashboard development, and hosted solutions. Learn More >

Data Modeling with Tableau

Performance and speed to insight begin with the right data model to support your questions.

Dashboard architecture review - for performance and business impact

Do your Tableau dashboards load slowly? Do they get many fewer views than you expect?

We provide in-seat guidance to your analysts to drive the dashboard to answer the main questions of dashboard consumers. We emphasize performance, speed-to-insight, and visual appeal. We have a process and template that provides you with quantifiable steps to implement in your organization. In a typical engagement, we decrease loading time by at least twofold within one to two days.

Training, mentoring, and coaching

You often have many data analysts and dashboard developers who are great with SQL and working with data. Making the translation to data storytelling and the unique user experience - backed by VizQL - of Tableau. We can turn your analysts and dashboard developers into Tableau experts in no time! Our approach to teaching always uses your data to answer the questions of your audience. We do classroom training, 1-1 coaching, and group mentoring. Contact us to see how we can put together a custom education program for your organization.

Dashboard development and outsourced analytics

Do you have an analytics and dashboard development team that can’t keep up with requests from your stakeholders? We are here to help. Our team of Tableau-certified consultants can supplement your dashboard development activities.

Are you a small organization that is missing insights to drive your organization forward? We can be your analytics team. Using Tableau Cloud, we can manage your analytical dashboards, users, and access to information.

 Data Storytelling Examples

 "Candi has a passion for visual analytics and Tableau that is contagious. She was much more than a conventional trainer playing the roles of coach, mentor, and cheerleader. Teaching people how to use the tool was not the difficult part of her role. The challenge was change management. Showing business users that they have the skills and potential to do their own analysis and communicate data decisions through high-impact visuals. She took a group of people who were very busy with their day jobs and converted them into storytellers with data."

- Nicholas Stoycheff, Customer Insights Manager at The Kraft Heinz Company


"Candi has mastered the value of communicating decisions through visualization. She took messy data and complex business logic and transformed it into interactive visuals that allowed employees of all levels to better manage their business on a daily level."

- Christopher Hayes, Senior Manager, Business Analytics at Aviso Wealth (formerly, Analytics Leader at Cadillac Fairview)

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